Concordo plenamente! E já agora uns cartazes contra os Hindus, os budistas, os rastafarai, os goticos, os gays, as freiras, os hippies, os negros, os asiaticos, os latinos.... etc etc todo mundo fora dos padrões de vestuário, cultura, etc
Por falar em freiras vamos obriga-las a se despirem, aquilo é uma ofensa a liberdade das mulheres.
Para mostrar que todos os paises são diferentes, na cultura, na tradição, na maneira de vestir etc.Vamos lembrar que Omã é Omã, e os outros paises muçulmanos são outros paises.
As tradições e a cultura são completamente diferentes. (por exemplo na parte do casamento, muitos paises homens e mulheres festejam juntos. ou em relação ao véu, apenas em 3 ou 4 paises é obrigatorio usar véu. Em relação a divisão de divisões para homens e mulheres, muitos paises não são assim)
Globo Repórter 13-04-2012 Parte 1 Omã: Oásis da Paz.
Globo Repórter 13-04-2012 Parte 2 Omã: Oásis da Paz.
Globo Repórter 13-04-2012 Parte 3 Omã: Oásis da Paz
Globo Repórter 13-04-2012 Parte 4 Omã: Oásis da Paz
Globo Repórter 13-04-2012 Parte 5 [FINAL] Omã: Oásis da Paz
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you
More Videos that I took from you tube. To show you that more than half muslims are diferent from what you see on tv. And of course as anywhere else in the world you can find "bad" people
- To help here is a list of some topics of my Blog
When I started thisblogI wrotein Portuguese only, but I was concernedto translateinto Englishso more peoplecan read. Some texts thatI wroteat the beginningare stillin Portuguesebecause they aretoo big anddid not have timeto translate. Sowho wants canuse thetranslation tool thatisin the beginning of theblogon the right side. Thank you