This is a msg from a non muslim that i saw in one site and i loved:
I am not Muslim, but have quite a few Muslim friends and I know enough overall about this religion to know that it is based off of a peaceful nature and directs people towards being kindhearted. So, for those of you who disprove of what this woman is wearing I think it best if you yourself remember your religious values (or if you don't have a religion morals at least) before you start saying hateful things. Everyone has a right to express their opinion please just do it w/ class and kindness. My personal opinion is that this is a great message to spread to naive people who hate on this religion because it is linked to terrorist attacks (yet ignore the fact that all religions went wrong somewhere due to being used for justification of violent acts.) People who practice Islam are just like the rest of us they deserve a spot in the media and equal rights as well as the right to publicly support their beliefs.

quinta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2012

Wrong ideas 4 - Islam, Arabism and Arab Cause

(mais a baixo em português)

Wrong ideas 

               - Islam, Arabism and Arab Cause

It is not right to confuse Muslims with Arabs or Turks.

The Arabs today make up somewhere around 18% of the world's Muslims.

The political problems of the Arab world are not necessarily related to Islam.

Tribal conflicts in the Middle East conflict are no different from non-Islamic Africa, they are just super-sized the strategic importance of the region.

Arabism, Arab nationalism or Arab cause are political movements (secular, nuance) that at certain times of the twentieth century Arab nations rallied around a struggle for affirmation and independence. Many of its leaders were Christian Arabs.

The Islamic world covers as I have said several people and non-Arab ethnic groups. Indonesian, Chinese, Persians, Turks, Kurds, etc. and for all these peoples and ethnic concepts of Arabism and Arab nationalism are absolutely foreign.

Ideias erradas  
           - Islam, Arabismo ou Causa Árabe

Não é correto confundir muçulmanos com árabes ou turcos.
Os árabes compõem hoje algo em torno de 18% dos muçulmanos do mundo.
Os problemas políticos do mundo árabe não são necessariamente relacionados ao Islam.
Os conflitos tribais no Oriente Médio não são diferentes dos conflitos da África não-islâmica, apenas são super-dimensionados pela importância estratégica da região.
Arabismo, nacionalismo árabe ou causa árabe são movimentos políticos (de nuance laica) que em certos momentos do século XX mobilizaram nações árabes em torno de uma luta de afirmação e independência. Muitos dos seus líderes eram árabes cristãos.
O mundo islâmico abrange como já disse  vários povos e etnias não-árabes. Indonésios, chineses, persas, turcos, curdos, etc; e para todos esses povos e etnias os conceitos de arabismo ou nacionalismo árabe são absolutamente estranhos.

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