This is a msg from a non muslim that i saw in one site and i loved:
I am not Muslim, but have quite a few Muslim friends and I know enough overall about this religion to know that it is based off of a peaceful nature and directs people towards being kindhearted. So, for those of you who disprove of what this woman is wearing I think it best if you yourself remember your religious values (or if you don't have a religion morals at least) before you start saying hateful things. Everyone has a right to express their opinion please just do it w/ class and kindness. My personal opinion is that this is a great message to spread to naive people who hate on this religion because it is linked to terrorist attacks (yet ignore the fact that all religions went wrong somewhere due to being used for justification of violent acts.) People who practice Islam are just like the rest of us they deserve a spot in the media and equal rights as well as the right to publicly support their beliefs.

terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

Wash before pray and remove shoes ... ... The famous hat ....Loose clothes ... Long hair ...

- The moment of prayer, people always washed up and removed the shoes in the place of worship.It is simply respect for the place of worship and God. Why only because it is inconvenient or time consuming for some people, they must act in a way convenient to them?
Why have to bring all the garbage from the street into the place of worship, which should be a sacred place and clean?
Or even into the house?
In some Asian countries people do not walk at home with the shoes that they use at the street.
In my house my mom always said that: you use at home slippers house shoes and take off the street shoeswhen you get into the house.
A custom in Russia.

- Many people find it funny to see Muslim men wear those little hats on head and wear baggy clothes like dresses ...

 Before the priests to give a mass they wore a hat, but fell into disuse. But why do Jews still use the hat, the members of the Catholic church use, use in the Orthodox church, Muslims and others ... all use?! It is to protect the head from the forces of evil, it is the center of the head across the threshold and spiritual energy to the human body.

 - And the long, loose clothing is to protect the body from outside eyes. Privacy, modesty ... The priests, cardinals, bishops, the Pope .... All members of the Catholic Church. The same happens in the Orthodox Church. Muslims .... ... Other. All wear long and loose clothes.

And we have to take into account that baggy clothes are fresh and more comfortable.

The issue of long hair on men. ...
  I came across a site with a text of the author's website saying that once long hair was disgraceful.

All the prophets in the Bible had beards and long hair, Jesus Christ had a beard and long hair. All philosophers, geniuses, many other religious  peolpe have and had long hair and beard which is the symbol of wisdom and enlightenment.

Jews, Greeks, Romans and many others wore long hair or beard.

The Jews grow beards and hair as well.

Lavar-se e tirar os sapatos… O famoso chapeuzinho…  Roupas largas… Cabelos compridos...
- No momento de oração as pessoas sempre se lavavam e retiravam os sapatos no local de culto.
É simplesmente respeito ao local e a Deus. Porquê só por causa de ser inconveniente ou moroso para algumas pessoas têm que se agir de maneira como bem convêm?
Porque é que tem que se trazer todo o lixo da rua para dentro do local de culto que deve ser um lugar sagrado e limpo? Ou mesmo para dentro de casa?
Em alguns países asiáticos não se anda em casa com o calçado da rua.
Na minha casa a minha mãe sempre disse que em casa se usa chinelos de casa e tirar os calçados de rua ao entrar em casa. Um costume na Rússia.

- Muita gente acha piada ao ver os homens muçulmanos usarem aqueles chapeuzinhos na cabeça e usarem roupas largas tipo vestidos…
Antes os padres ao dar a missa usavam um chapeuzinho, mas caiu em desuso. Mas porque é que os judeus ainda usam o chapeuzinho, os membros da igreja católica usam, da igreja ortodoxa usam, muçulmanos e outros… todos usam?!! É para proteger a cabeça das forças do mal pois é no centro da cabeça que passa a entrada espiritual e de energia para o corpo humano.

- E a roupa larga e comprida é para proteger o corpo de olhares alheios. Privacidade, modéstia… Padres, cardeais, bispos, o Papa…. Todos os membros da igreja católica. O mesmo acontece na igreja Ortodoxa. Os muçulmanos….outros…. Todos usam roupas largas e compridas.
E temos que ter em conta que as roupas largas são mais frescas e cómodas.

A questão dos cabelos compridos nos homens….  
 Num site eu me deparei com um texto do proprio autor do site dizendo que antigamente usar cabelo comprido era desonroso.
Todos os profetas na Bíblia tinham barba e cabelos compridos, Jesus Cristo tinha barba e cabelo comprido. Todos os filósofos, génios, pessoas religiosas entre vários outros tinham e têm cabelo e barba comprida que é o símbolo da sabedoria e da iluminação.
Judeus, gregos, romanos etc. usavam o cabelo ou barba comprido.
Os judeus deixam a barba crescer e o cabelo também.

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