sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012



quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

Árabe é raça, muçulmano é religião. Cultura é cultura, religião é religião. Um pouco de cultura geral.


Já me perguntaram algumas vezes de que país árabe eu sou....
Se a minha religião é árabe...
Se eu falo árabe...
A minha descendência não é árabe, a minha religião é o Islãm e eu ainda não aprendi árabe (só a rezar).
São  57 nações que constituem o mundo islamico (21 deles Arabes), da Ásia, passando pela Europa de leste á África, e importantes minorias espalhadas por todo o mundo. Formam culturas distintas, possuem idiomas variados, problemas políticos e sociais diversos. Em cada uma dessas nações há costumes e práticas não-islâmicas e questões políticas que nada tem a ver com o Islam. (como já disse em outros assuntos, só pq uma pessoa nasceu num país muçulmano ou numa família muçulmana não significa que é muçulmano e um praticante (o que é necessário para ser muçulmano)

Não é correto confundir muçulmanos com árabes ou turcos etc. 
Os árabes compõem hoje algo em torno de 18% dos muçulmanos do mundo. 
Os problemas políticos do mundo árabe não são necessariamente relacionados ao Islam. 
Os conflitos tribais no Oriente Médio não são diferentes dos conflitos da África não-islâmica, apenas são super-dimensionados pela importância estratégica da região. 
Arabismo, nacionalismo árabe ou causa árabe são movimentos políticos (de nuance laica) que em certos momentos do século XX mobilizaram nações árabes em torno de uma luta de afirmação e independência. Muitos dos seus líderes eram árabes cristãos. 
O mundo islâmico abrange como já disse  vários povos e etnias não-árabes. Indonésios, chineses, persas, turcos, curdos, etc; e para todos esses povos e etnias os conceitos de arabismo ou nacionalismo árabe são absolutamente estranhos.

domingo, 16 de setembro de 2012

Muslims and fake muslims around the world and in my country Cape Verd - Muçulmanos e falso muçulmanos pelo mundo e no meu país Cabo Verde

(mais a baixo em português) 

what is happening in Afghanistan, Pakistan and some other countries as violent protests against the anti-Islam video in any way has to be given as an example of Muslims or Islam.
The people shown in the violent protests are exactly like the young English people that destroyed a town some time ago. Or equal to the vandals who infiltrated among the french students at the time of the protests and caused damages in the city. They are vandals, people who like to cause confusion and harm others for fun. This bunch of "huligans" are like a herd stampeding, just only one run, which all run behind and do damage.

Terrorism and extremism have no religion. But use religion to get the desired also to control people, gain power, or simply just people having a warped mind to distort the scriptures or something else ..

A person born in a Muslim country does not mean he is Muslim, much less a practicing.This is one of the biggest mistakes common among people around the world.1º For a person to be a Muslim she must be practicing.
Although everywhere I go people hit their hand on their chest saying I'm catholic, but nevertheless do not read the Bible or have never read. A lot have no idea of Biblical passages (until I know more than them, not only because i went to church's before but because of general culture). And those who go to church, but outside the church do everything and something more?I know many people like that. And it's not just 
Catholics those who insist on calling themselves  christian but also other churches.
The same applies to many so called Muslims.They do wrong things and then go to pray, as it takes off their sins
Many drink. Do not pray.
Others as some so called Muslims as the coast of africa do witchcraft (forbidden in any religion).

I know many people of Muslim countries, of  Muslim families but who are not practitioners. Or they do wrong things.
In islam is not allowed gossip, speaking badly of othersswearing, having inappropriate behavior towards society and at home, steal, kill (unless in self defense as is permitted in any religion if necessary). Not allowed adultery, fornication, alcoholic, cigarets, drugs. Not allowed a lot of things.

But I know so many people who claim to be Muslim and who does not comply with what Islam commands.
For we who are Muslims we are ashamed. The bad example that others give eventually become a brand of Muslims.
A bad example that causes people to have a bad example and a bad image of us true Muslims.
Like I said we can not put everyone in the same basket.
If 1000 called Muslims do wrong things you guys can be sure that there is an entire nation with hundreds of thousands of Muslims around the world who are against this type of action. (Unfortunately there is not much demonstration against these so-called Muslims who damage our image with ignorance and violence)

then only because "Osama Bin Laden" was from a Muslim country and said he was a Muslim does not mean he was a Muslim, much less he represented Muslims.
And Breivik? he killed 78 young people, he declared himself a fervent catholic, representative of his country against Muslims ...... was sentenced to 24 years in prison.
He does not represent Christians?

what will happend if we start blaming Christianity for everything bad that Christians do?????
We can blame a religion for the behavior of a certain group of people??? can we?

My Muslim friends here in Cape Verde are calm, educated and peaceful. In our conversations we discussed the problems of daily life, the problems that Muslims are facing with prejudice and ignorance.
Nobody ever spoke neither encouraged terrorism or extremism.
And if  someone some day do it I'll get away from that person for sure. 

(em português)

o que está a acontecer no Afeganistão, Paquistão e mais alguns paises como protestos violentos em relação  ao video anti-Islam de maneira alguma tem que ser dado como exemplo de muçulmanos ou do Islam. 
As pessoas mostradas nos protestos violentos são exatamente iguais aos jovens ingleses que destruiram uma cidade a algum tempo atras. Ou iguais aos vandalos que infiltraram-se no meio dos estudantes francêses na altura dos protestos e fizeram estragos pela cidade. São vandalos, pessoas que gostam de confusão e de provocar mal aos outros por divertimento. Esse bando de "huligans" são como uma manada em debandada, basta apenas um correr, que todos correm atras e fazem estragos. 

Terrorismo e extremismo não têm religião. Mas usam a religião para obter o pretendido, também para controlar as pessoas, obter poder, ou simplesmente basta as pessoas terem a mente deturpada para distorcer as escrituras ou outra coisa qualquer..

Uma pessoa nascida em um país muçulmano não significa que ele é muçulmano, muito menos um praticante.

Esta é um dos grandes erros comuns entre as pessoas a volta do mundo.
Para uma pessoa ser muçulmana ela tem que ser praticante.  
Embora em todos os lugares que eu vá as pessoas batam a mão no peito dizendo eu sou catolico mas no entanto não leem a Biblia ou nunca leram. Não fazem ideia das passagens biblicas (até eu sei mais do que elas, não só por ter andado na igreja mas por cultura geral). E aqueles que vão a igreja, mas fora da igreja fazem de tudo e mais alguma coisa? Eu conheço muita gente assim. E não é apenas os que teimam em se chamar de catolicos mas de outras igrejas tambem.
O mesmo acontece com muitos chamados de muçulmanos.
Fazem coisas erradas e depois vão rezar, como se isso tira-se os seus pecados. Muitos bebem, não rezam. Outros como alguns ditos muçulmanos da costa da africa fazem feitiçaria (proibida em qualquer religião)
Eu conheço muita gente de paises muçulmanos, de familias muçulmanas mas que não são praticantes. Ou que fazem coisas erradas. 
No islam não é permitido fofocas, falar mal dos outros, meter-se na vida dos outros (coscuvilhice) mandar palavrões, ter comportamentos inadequados perante a sociedade e em casa, roubar, matar (a não ser em defeza prorpia como é permitido em qualquer religião caso necessario). Não é permitido adulterio, fornicação, bebidas alcoolicas e cigaros, drogas.
Não é permitido muita coisa.

Mas eu conheço tanta gente que se diz ser muçulmana e que não cumpre com o que o Islam manda.

Para nós que somos muçulmanos nós ficamos com vergonha. O mau exemplo que outros dão acaba por se transformar numa marca dos muçulmanos. Um mau exemplo que faz com que pessoas tenham um mau exemplo e uma má imagem de nós muçulmanos de verdade.

Como eu disse não podemos colocar todos no mesmo cesto. 

Se 1000 chamados de muçulmanos fazem coisas erradas voces podem ter a certeza que há uma inteira nação com centenas de milhares de muçulmanos espalhados pelo mundo que estão contra este tipo de acção. (Infelizmente não há muita manifestação contra estes ditos muçulmanos que estragam a nossa imagem com ignorancia e violência)

então só por que "Ossama Bin Laden" é de um país muçulmano e ele dizia-se muçulmano não significa que ele era muçulmano e muito menos que representava os muçulmanos.
E o Breivik? ele matou 78 jovens, ele declarou-se catolico fervoroso, representante do país dele contra os muçulmanos...... foi sentenciado a 24 anos de prisão. 
Ele não representa os cristãos?

O que ira acontecer se começar-mos a culpar o cristianismo por tudo de mau que os cristãos fazem???
Podemos culpar uma religião pelo comportamento de um determinado grupo de pessoas?? podemos?

Os meus amigos muçulmanos aqui em cabo verde são pessoas calmas, educadas e de paz. Nas nossas conversas falamos dos problemas do dia a dia, dos problemas que os muçulmanos estão a enfrentar com o preconceito e a ignorancia.
Ninguem nunca falou nem incentivou o terrorrismo e nem o extremismo.
E se alguem o fizer algum dia eu afastar-me ei dessa pessoa com certeza.

Islamitas e islâmicos são termos pejorativos que as pessoas usam sem saber o seu significado. Afinal são movimentos politicos que nada tem a ver com religião
É que radicalismo islâmico e o extremismo islâmico são movimentos na busca de poder, controle e subjugação que apareceram a uns 2 seculos e até a bem pouco tempo. 
O que existe é um bando de psicopatas com mentes deturpadas, doentes e perigosas, juntamente com pessoas que sofreram uma lavagem cerebral. Todos eles juntos tem objectivos diferentes mas são uma ameaça ao mundo e aos muçulmanos em si, pricipalmente uma ameaça a religão Islamica. Alguns objectivos são politicos mesmo, busca de poder e dinheiro (parece familiar não é?). Outros simplesmente acreditam que estão certos. E é mais ou menos do tipo : Se um gajo me disser que é o Napoleão quem sou eu para dizer que não?! É doente e acredita mesmo que tem razão. 

Terrorismo, Al Quaeda, Talibans, Muçulmanos EM PღRTUGAL

Ideias Erradas 3
- "Que o Islam é uma religião hostil aos cristãos, e que os muçulmanos são inimigos de Cristo"
 Ideas erradas 2
"Que o "Deus" dos muçulmanos não é o Deus dos Cristãos"
Different point of view is very good, diversity is great!!...

There are bad apples in every batch

Definition of Terrorism!! (Muslims terrorists?)

And if we start blaming Christianity for everything bad that Christians do?????

We can blame a religion for the behavior of a certain group of people??? can we?

sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012

PBS and BBC documentary About Islam and the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w)

BBC - 2-3 - Ciência e o Islã - O IMPÉRIO DA RAZÃO - parte 1 

BBC - 2-3 - Science and Islam - The Empire of Reason - Part 1

    • BBC - 2-3 - Ciência e o Islã - O IMPÉRIO DA RAZÃO - parte 2

      BBC - 2-3 - Science and Islam - The Empire of Reason - Part 2

      BBC - 2-3 - Ciência e o Islã - O IMPÉRIO DA RAZÃO - parte 3 

      BBC - 2-3 - Science and Islam - The Empire of Reason - Part 3

      • BBC - 2-3 - Ciência e o Islã - O IMPÉRIO DA RAZÃO - parte 4

        BBC - 2-3 - Science and Islam - The Empire of Reason - Part 4

        BBC - 2-3 - Ciência e o Islã - O IMPÉRIO DA RAZÃO - parte 5

        BBC - 2-3 - Science and Islam - The Empire of Reason - Part 5

      • BBC - 2-3 - Ciência e o Islã - O IMPÉRIO DA RAZÃO - parte 6 FINAL

        BBC - 2-3 - Science and Islam - The Empire of Reason - Part 6 FINAL

  1. Thousands of books have been distributed in response to the film in London for the great biography of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam

What We Know About 'Sam Bacile,' The Man Behind The Muhammad Movie

A trailer for the film Innocence of Muslims was uploaded to YouTube in early July.
Most Americans knew nothing about Innocence of Muslims. That's the film that has set the Muslim world on fire, causing protests in Egypt and Libya that led to the death of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens.
The bottom line is that we know very little about "Sam Bacile," the man who says he produced the film and says Sam Bacile is his name. The Wall Street Journal caught up with Bacile before he went into hiding. (Update at 3:34 p.m. ET. Some of the claims made in the Journal interview have come under question. We've updated this post below to reflect that.)
According to the Journal, Bacile raised "$5 million from 100 Jewish donors" and he produced the film using 60 actors and 45 crew members.
Bacile told the Journal that he made the film to expose "Islam as a hateful religion."
"Islam is a cancer," he told the paper. "The movie is a political movie. It's not a religious movie."
In another interview, Bacile told The Associated Press that he was a real estate developer and an Israeli Jew, but Israeli authorities told the wire service they have no records of him being a citizen.
NPR's library did not turn up any footprint for Bacile. It found no property, phone, licenses or court records. And Bacile had not made news until today.
Bacile repeated what he told the Journal to the AP.
"The U.S. lost a lot of money and a lot of people in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we're fighting with ideas," he said. The AP story also points out that Bacile may have been warned this film would be controversial and perhaps even incite violence.
"You're going to be the next Theo van Gogh," Steve Klein, a consultant on the film, told the AP he told Bacile. Van Gogh, the AP explains, was the Dutch filmmaker who was killed after making a movie perceived as insulting to Islam.
Innocence of Muslims is a feature-length film. In early July, "Sam Bacile" posted a 14-minute trailer of the film on YouTube. (Be warned, many have found the video offensive.) The preview portrays Muhammad as an imbecile and as a false prophet.
For Muslims it's offensive to simply depict the prophet. To insult him is a whole other story.
Bacile told the AP that he was sorry for the death of Ambassador Stevens, but he blamed his death on the security system.
"I feel the security system [at the embassies] is no good," Bacile said. "America should do something to change it."
When clips of the film were shown on an Egyptian TV program, they were described as being the work of Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who has burned Qurans. Jones, The Wall Street Journal reports, was merely promoting the film, saying he would screen the trailer at his church on Sept. 11.
"The film is not intended to insult the Muslim community, but it is intended to reveal truths about Muhammad that are possibly not widely known," Jones said in a statement obtained by The Orlando Sentinel.
Update at 7:27 p.m. ET. Calif. Coptic Christian Confirms Role:
Using the cellphone number they talked to "Sam Bacile," The Associated Press tracked down a man named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, who lived at the address that aligned with cellphone records.
Nakoula denied that he directed the film but admitted that he was the manager for the production company. He also told the AP that he was a Coptic Christian.
The AP notes that Nakoula has a criminal record: He pleaded no contest in 2010 to federal bank fraud charges and served 21 months in federal prison.
The AP adds:
"Nakoula denied he had posed as Bacile. During a conversation outside his home, he offered his driver's license to show his identity but kept his thumb over his middle name, Basseley. Records checks by the AP subsequently found the name 'Basseley' and other connections to the Bacile persona.
"The AP located Bacile after obtaining his cell phone number from Morris Sadek, a conservative Coptic Christian in the U.S. who had promoted the anti-Muslim film in recent days on his website. Egypt's Christian Coptic population has long decried what they describe as a history of discrimination and occasional violence from the country's Arab majority."
Update at 6:18 p.m. ET. Actress Says This Wasn't What She Signed Up For:
Gawker has an interview with Cindy Lee Garcia, an actress from Bakersfield, Calif., who appears in the film.
She said the film makes her "sick" because she was never told this was the movie she was making. In fact, the lines she delivered were dubbed over to insert the offensive and blasphemous lines.
Gawker reports:
"The script she was given was titled simply Desert Warriors.
" 'It was going to be a film based on how things were 2,000 years ago,' Garcia said. 'It wasn't based on anything to do with religion, it was just on how things were run in Egypt. There wasn't anything about Muhammed or Muslims or anything.'
"In the script and during the shooting, nothing indicated the controversial nature of the final product. Muhammed wasn't even called Muhammed; he was "Master George," Garcia said. The words Muhammed were dubbed over in post-production, as were essentially all other offensive references to Islam and Muhammed."
This is in line with the analysis that On The Media presented earlier. It found the offensive speech in the 14-minute trailer was always dubbed over.
"I can't help but wonder if the actors involved in the project were told what kind of film they were making," OTM producer Sarah Abdurrahman writes.
Also, using the title Desert Warriors, we found a casting call for the film. "Sam Bassiel" is listed as the producer.
The film is described as a "historical Arabian desert adventure film."
Update at 5:19 p.m. ET. 'Bacile' Never Gave His Name:
Sarah Curran of member station WUSF spoke to Pastor Terry Jones in Gainesville, Fla., today.
Jones told her that Bacile, which he said is not his real name, contacted his church so it could screen the film.
Jones said he talked to Bacile today, but doesn't know anything about him.
"In our conversations," Jones said, "he has never given us his name."
On tonight's All Things Considered, NPR's Elizabeth Blair explains that the film received attention because Jones scheduled a screening of the trailer for Sept. 11.
That got picked up by Jones' friend, an Egyptian-born Christian activist in Washington, D.C., named Morris Sadek.
Dion Nissenbaum, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, told Elizabeth that Sadek promoted the event through his email list, which goes out to many Egyptian journalists.
Update at 2:17 p.m. ET. Bacile Not His Real Name?:
Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic writes that he just got off the phone with Steve Klein, whom the AP describes as an associate of Bacile.
Klein told Goldberg that Bacile is not a real name.
"I don't know that much about him. I met him, I spoke to him for an hour. He's not Israeli, no," Klein told Goldberg. "I can tell you this for sure, the state of Israel is not involved, Terry Jones [the radical Christian Quran-burning pastor] is not involved. His name is a pseudonym. All these Middle Eastern folks I work with have pseudonyms. I doubt he's Jewish. I would suspect this is a disinformation campaign."
Klein, by the way, was profiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which describes him as an "extremist" who has led anti-Muslim protests.
"In 1977, he founded Courageous Christians United, which now conducts 'respectful confrontations' outside of abortion clinics, Mormon temples and mosques," the SPLC reports. "Klein also has ties to the Minuteman movement. In 2007, he sued the city of San Clemente for ordering him to stop leafleting cars with pamphlets opposing illegal immigration."
So, we repeat again, with this story it's better to remain highly skeptical.
Update at 1:02 p.m. ET. That $5 Million Figure:
The Hollywood Reporter has some important context about that $5 million figure thrown out by Bacile:
"Though Bacile claims he spent $5 million on the movie — a figure that would put the film on par with the Toronto festival entrant Julianne Moore-starrer What Maisie Knew — the 13 minutes of footage available online look unprofessional. Furthermore, Bacile has virtually no footprint in the Hollywood community. The writer-director-producer has no agent listed on IMDBPro and no credits on any film or TV production."
What's safe to say now is that we should look at those claims with a great deal of skepticism.

quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012