quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012


I'm currently watching a documentary on French TV about Muslim extremists in France.
My God!!! How people are stupid, evil and twisted.
The man saying that is written in Coram TO DO  terrorism, and should be done " holy war."
The man has no school, no theological training but is sitting there talking about religion, Islam, to brainwash the youth with his crap.
 I'm really feeling bad, and angry.
With what right this  ignorant and sick man preach religion? He is a perverted person doing terrorist campaign. Why let him unlished?
Now I understand how people do not like Muslims. These very bad examples are terrible.
I AM DISGUSTED !!!! I didn´t know was that bad.

Analyzing now the facts:
From what I saw in the program:
- A dangerous man is released from prison.
- The French authorities know where this man lives and what he is doing.
- Free to walk around to brainwash young people and to recruit them to do terrorist acts.
- It is convenient for someone leaves him free??!!! ham??!!

But why there are no Muslim people trying to fight  people like him??

terrorism (1) - ATTACK ON A JEWISH SCHOOL IN TOULOUSE http://averdadeesquecida.blogspot.com/2012/03/attack-on-jewish-school-in-toulouse.html

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