quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011

Palestine map

Israelis and Palestinians lived as far as possible in tolerance.
Now two people hate each other.

Why some countries did everything to give independence to Kosovo, (where there is drug smuggling, weapons, women and children, etc etc tec.) Where the population is considered dangerous in itself) but now do not want to give Palestine its independence.

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

Roupas tradicionais - influencia do islão

Roupas tradicionais em portugal

comentario no facebook em relação  as imagens por Chadidscha************
Ainda nos anos 70 não se via uma mulher sem lenço no Alentejo... Mas não por influência islâmica mas católica - não se esqueçam que Deus (s) na biblia também pede que as mulheres cubram o cabelo...

comentario no facebook em relação  as imagens por Tania ********  
Certos historiadores portugueses ateus e/ou nacionalistas diziam que o bioco (usado na imagem das mulheres algarvias com capas que tapavam o rosto) eram um resquício da herança cultural islâmica e portanto, algo a ser combatido... Lol sim ...esquecem-se eles que ninguém as obrigava a vestir assim, e como a irmã Chadidscha ********* indica acima, a mulher cobrir-se é algo que reporta ao Cristianismo. A única diferença é que na perspectiva bíblica uma das razões para a mulher cristã se cobrir é devido à superioridade do homem sobre ela(...) enquanto que a razão qurânica é a protecção e valorização da mulher. É lamentável que tantas figuras do meio "intelectual" continuem a julgar o véu islâmico a partir da perspectiva cristã em vez de tentarem conhecer a perspectiva islâmica, e entenderem que ao invés de opressão, o hijab é dignidade.

Roupas tradicionais Russia

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Pequenas curiosidades....

(to translate this page can choose your language at the beginning of my blog, right side)

mulher no Islam: mito e realidade http://www.islamismo.org/mito_e_realidade.htm

não fala so da minha religião mas a nivel cultural no judaismo e crsitianismo. é tipo didatico
 poligamia http://www.islamismo.org/poligamia.htm

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011


 The subtitle of this video is wrong, not only Muslims but also "negros" are the victims.
I say "negros" because i don´t know how to say without offending anyone
When someone is attacked with racist words and attitudes and other people watch this kind of attitude they also feel that as an offense to them.

Are you xtremist???
I am a radical Muslim, I'd rather sleep all day :-D

What would you do? Muslim/Arabs-in Israel

After seeing these videos I realized that not everyone is equal, not everyone is prejudiced and racist.

Well, how many terrorists and radical Muslims do you think exist and how many ordinary Muslims like me do you think there are?

For what I see on the TV news I can also say that in your country only exitstem pedophiles, rapists, domestic violence, criminals, thieves, etc ...
I watch television news, you will say that is not like that in your country?
I'm generalizing, just as you do.

American muslims - DISCRIMINATION

After seeing these videos I realized that not everyone is equal, not everyone is prejudiced and racist.

Well, how many terrorists and radical Muslims do you think exist and how many ordinary Muslims like me do you think there are?

For what I see on the TV news I can also say that in your country only exitstem pedophiles, rapists, domestic violence, criminals, thieves, etc ...
I watch television news, you will say that is not like that in your country?
I'm generalizing, just as you do.

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Drafting a New Story: Women's Rights in the Middle East

Originally Published by the Vancouver Star, February 13, 2011
By Ryan Cormier

EDMONTON — The city’s inaugural Purple Hijab Day to raise awareness about domestic abuse was held in Edmonton on Saturday.
The event, organized by members of the city’s Muslim community, was meant to condemn abuse against all victims, but also to educate people that such violence is not accepted by Muslim culture.
“This isn’t just a fight against domestic violence itself,” said Sanaa Tariq, 21, who hosted the event. “It’s a fight to show that we care about it. If someone is bad in one group of people, it doesn’t mean the group will be. Domestic violence has nothing to do with race, religion or sex, it has to do with mental health.”
Muslim women should not be regarded as oppressed, Tariq said, pointing out that she would not be able to organize such an event were that true. Too often, she said, a domestic incident in a Muslim home is projected upon the group as a whole while other groups do not experience the same stereotype.
Tariq, who was born in Iran, lived in Pakistan and has called Edmonton home for a decade, said the colour purple represents the cause of family violence and the hijab represents the Muslim community.
Jan Reimer, head of the Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters, applauded Purple Hijab Day and the message it brings.
“No one has a corner on abuse, this is an issue for all religions, all walks of life, no one is immune,” she said. “The more we encourage the whole community to talk about it, the more we will end it.”
Yoosuf Penney, who converted to Islam at 18, spoke at the event to say that a balance must be struck between acknowledging abuse among Muslims, but not allowing the problem to become associated with the community.
“Denying a problem exists is the best way to never find a solution,” he said, “though this problem is not indicative of what Muslim families do. A family, in Islam, serves as protection and support.”
While organizing the event, Tariq, a business student at NAIT, was often asked if she was involved because of a personal experience with abuse, a question she believes may be part of the problem.
“My answer was always no. You don’t have to be physically involved to be affected by it. We all have to make changes and step up.”
Purple Hijab Day has been organized in both England and the United States, as well as Canadian cities like Toronto.

A verdade sobre o 11 de Setembro! Em português.

 The truth about 9/11! In Portuguese (to translate this page can choose your language at the beginning of my blog, right side)

pois é hiroshima e nagazaki, mais de 200.000 pessoas morreram na explosão das bombas atomicas, sem contar com quem morreu de radiação, e morre até hoje. Sabem o que é que nasce até hoje por lá??
 Mas a questão é a seguinte, ninguem condena America pelo crime de guerra e contra a humanidade que foi cometido. Aquilo foi um ataque terrorista.
 Mas no entanto a desculpa é que japão atacou o pearl Harbor, uma base militar onde estavam a beber muita serveja e a divertirem se com as mulheres nativas. Foram atacados por militares, guerra é guerra não é?!!! Mas america simplesmente largou duas bombas atomicas em duas grandes cidades cheias de civis que não tinham nada a ver com a guerra. ............................
Se o 11/9 fosse realmente feito por terroristas arabes podiams dizer que foi justo já que os milhares de inocentes que matarram e ainda matam no oriente ninguem contabiliza........ e sem deixar de contar que EUA simplesmente destruiu os paises por onde passaram (afeganistão antes da america produzia 0% de opio, hoje em dia com a ocupação produz 90% do consumo mundial... adevinhem para onde vai o dinheiro??)....... pois é retomado, lembrem se que guerra é guerra. Se o ataque fosse mesmo terrorista podiamos dizer que foi uma forma de retaliar EUA por tudo o que foi feito até a epoca assim como EUA se sentio no direito de largar duas bombas atomicas em duas grandes cidades. Guerra é guerra.
 MAS HÁ UM PROBLEMA!! 11 de Setembro foi um trabalho interno e isso já muita gente sabe. O proprio governo fez aquilo.

não dava para passar tudo o que está neste site por isso eu sugiro  que lêm
eu li e :-S já sabia da maioria das coisas mas é bem pior do que eu pensava!!!!

9/11 the biggest terrorist attack in history!!!!

Transformers, America, Economy, the rest of the world ... what a great salad! ------------------------------------>(Transformers, America, Economia, o resto do mundo... que grande salada!!)


September 11 (after all what happened??) & How the economic crisis began, the political crisis, the global crisis and of course the Terrorism.


quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

More Videos

The TRUTH about Western World and ISLAM Muslims - - - Wahre Gesicht der Westlichen Welt

                                              The Muslim Head-Covering

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

9/11 the biggest terrorist attack in history!!!!

NOTE: I really have nothing agains american people, and i am totaly against retaliation against USA. Just don´t understand why the governement want to get rich in this way.
It is not easier develop the world and the economy and get money from there?
They will spend less money with so much drama and intrigues.
I'm just looking at the facts, talking about things averybody knowsSearching also texts of other sides and the world´s History.
Do not want to put anybody against anyone. 

And note american people is not the government itself. (and governments are the same everywhere that is a fact) 

Till now they say that 9/11 was the largest terrorist attack in history.
And the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Two large cities simply wiped off the map?! That was what? ????????????
But, of course 220.000 Japanese who died in the explosion (not counting the dead from radiation and dying from radiation to this days) are less than the 2,996 Americans who died in the Twin Towers.
I have nothing against America but against the government itself that has made so many atrocities and no one does anything.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki as it is, more than 200,000 people died in the explosion of atomic bombs, not counting those who died of radiation, and die today. You know what today is born there? Monsters?
 But the question is, no one condemns America for the crime of war and against humanity ever committed. That was a terrorist attack.
But though the excuse is that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, a military base where they were drinking lots of beer and having  fun with native women. They were attacked by the military, war is war is not?! But America just dropped two atomic bombs on two cities full of civilians who had nothing to do with the war.
............................ If the 11 / 9 was actually done by Arab terrorists e could say it was fair because thousands of innocent die and are dying in the East and no one accounts them ........ and without failing to mention that america only destroyed the countries where they passed (Afghanistan before produced  0% of opium today with the occupation produces 90% that the world  consumes ... guess where the money goes?). ......  remember that war is war.
If the attack was done by  terrorists we could say that was a way to retaliate against America. for what was done before as well as the America feels the right to drop two atomic bombs on two cities. War is war. The government itself did that.
BUT THERE IS A PROBLEM! September 11 was an inside job and that almost everybody already know.

Politics: *** INDICE / INDEX!!!!!!!!!